Digital illustrator specializing anime-styled character art.
Actively learning about various themes and topics, enjoys creating variety content for no particular set fandom.
Likes writing, strategy games and the art of Dark Fantasy and Post Apocalyptic themes.


Image displayed as current profile icon in SNSs (changes without prior notice)

Personal profile of general use such as variety gaming, art posting etc
Mainly for casual and non-professional engagements.

Commissions Info

Line work/sketch

Quick drawing of ideas, mainly to deliver concepts and inspirations.Line work = Clean line art ; Examples of uses for line work: Comics/webtoons, concept art.Examples of sketches: Rough sketch, colored sketch, lighting simulation.


  • Provide an idea for projects.

  • Simplicity is key.

  • Coloring/Lighting may be included at basic level.


Commissions Info


Detailed key visuals of high-finished coloring, complemented with a narration or emotional drive. Usually made in a large scale.May include perspective drawings, dynamic lighting and multiple characters or companions.


  • Detail-oriented preparation and production phases.

  • Construct sense of feeling through color and light dynamics, as well as expression and body language.

  • (Optional) Narratives to complement the visual presentation.


  • Casual themes related to Sketch and Surprise are allowed.

  • Last minute changes may occur. Changes made that way may surprisingly turn out better than how it started.

Commissions Info

Character design

(Development in progress.)

Concept of an individual character displayed and organized in pages of reference sheets.Reference sheet is not limited to character-only but other relevant features (such as individual outfit showcases, mood and expression boards) of the character as well.Character design services open to both writers and artist. Services provided in this category includes: reference sheets, outfit design, or ability/weapon showcases.


  • Gather information of a character's identity and personality traits to determine design elements and color combinations

  • Showcase a character's appearance and accessories in multiple angles where required

  • (Optional) Reference sheet overlays provided shortly after important elements are completed


  • Existing character is recommended to recreate the original style unless stated otherwise.

  • Splash art may be included as a package. Splash arts provided are considered Illustrations.

Commissions Info


This category is to showcase less to be seen bodies of work I've completed that might be useful in some niches. While outside of my main niches aren't much, which would exponentially increase as I experience more genres of work.There are no particular set objectives to achieve in types of works under this category, so each type of work made in these ways are better to be discussed in a per case basis.

Logo Design


more coming soon..

Commissions Info


Want to buy a commission but not sure what do you want or how much you'd like to pay? Fret not, I will surprise you with literally anything in mind!Similar to Skeb, provide any prompt or descriptions, keep it as simple as possible. No revisions, no progress checks at all.

Side note: Character Designs and Miscellaneous works are unavailable through surprise requests.


  • Freely create anything based on relevant prompts/descriptions provided

  • Finishing scale artwork depends on how much is the bidding price given.


side note: samples provided are baseline, the higher the offer the more surprising the reward is bestowed

Price adjustments

As every work made possible are unique and variable, this category provides information regarding estimated price adjustments depending on various individual requestsUpon meeting on certain conditions, prices will be adjusted by a certain percentage depending on the request other than a designated base value.

  • Fixed value are marked with a +, changes made this way adds a flat value based on the percentage of Base Price of the respective work

  • Multiplicative Changes are marked with an x, changes made this way are directly multiplied into the final billing price

  • Final Price is always rounded up by the nearest 5.

Base Values

CategoryPayment SplitStarting Price
Sketch / Surprisen/a$10
Colored Sketch / Line Workn/a$20
Illustration50%/50% or 30%/70%$50
Character Design25%/50%/25%$200

Rush Fees

  • Billing: Rush fees are credited to the first payment

  • Charge rates : Multiplicative increase to the final bill

Days to completeCharge rate
less than 3 daysx300%
4 ~ 7 daysx75%
8 ~ 15 daysx50%
16 ~ 30 daysx25%

Level / Camera Shot

  • How much body of a character (focal) is shown. It is one of the primary factors of determining a pricing as an individual character are to be main focus of a work

  • Still objects may be considered a character if it's the main focus of the work and is labelled as default. Humanoid characters in combination in such situation are considered additional characters

Side note: Character Designs are always ground level / full shots

Camera ShotPrice Change Rate
Portraitx80% ~ x100%
Half-bodyx120% ~ x150%

Additional characters

  • Extra characters that harmonize/complement with the main character of the work. The projection level is counted individually among each character depending how much of their body is shown.

  • Additional character are including but not limited to: pets, eldritch companions, automatons, etc.

Character TypePrice Change Rate (+)
Humanoid+40% ~ +80%
Creature / Monster+20% ~ +150%
Automation / Robot+80% ~ +120%


  • Backgrounds with a higher finishing, usually dynamic in perspective and atmospheric to build certain moods to integrate with the narratives

  • Quality of the landscape is based on the main character

note: displayed rates are for reference use only, rates may vary depending on actual canvas size, background complexity and other factors.

Perspective TypePrice Change Rate
Panorama / Minimalx125%
Basic (1 points)x150%
Dynamic (2 points)x180%
Compact (3+ points, multi point)x>225%

inquiry info



  • Provide an introduction yourself in whatever way you like. You may or may not need to, but I suggest giving a brief introduction when proposing formally.

  • Describe the idea you wish to propose as clear as possible to minimize confusion

  • Be sure to prepare Visual references to aid me to visualize your proposal before I make a response, so I don't have to ask you to find them later, costing more time from getting any work started


  • Email: Despite sending inquiries through e-mail, you may leave whichever contact in your liking, just specify which media you use and @username so I know which would be you.

  • Pixiv: Assuming using this to reach out to me, I recommend Pixiv Request if you haven't try it out already

  • Discord: Despite being most active in Discord, I do not intend to create a niche server for commission-specific use. Simply send a request to amerz9ind or myamerzz99, I'll reach you from here through direct messages.

Contact me via.




Character DesignWaitlist1
Sketch/Surprise MeOpen3

Scope & policy info

Price table

  • Default Currency: USD

  • Payment Split: First payment is not refundable. Payment of services with no splits are refundable.

  • Min Price: Minimum Final Price Excluding additional services

CategoryPayment SplitStarting Price
Sketch / Surprisen/a$10
Colored Sketch / Line Workn/a$20
Illustration50%/50% or 30%/70%$40
Character Design25%/50%/25%$200

Side note: Miscellaneous prices are variable

Content restrictions



  • Loli / Shota

  • Cartoon / Caricature

  • Creature / Monster

  • Heavy Armour and Weapons

  • Mythology


per case basis

  • Soft Fanservice

  • Furry / Anthro

  • Semi-realism

  • Traditional Cultures

  • Mecha or Machinery

  • Blood Violence

  • Drug Consumption (Alcohol, Smoke, etc.)

  • Grotesque


strictly prohibited

  • Uncommon/Abnormal Physique

  • Explicit Adult Content

  • Propaganda / Politics

  • Discrimination

  • Theology / Religion Studies

  • Controversies

Workflow summary

Of traditional commissions exclusive of prompt-based request such as pixiv, skeb and vgen


  • Before start of work (R&D), upfront payments should be provided before any progress may start. Upfronts of services with split payment are non-refundable.

  • Time needed varies between a minimum of 2 working days to about a month depending on the scale.

  • A progress check is conducted before each checkpoint. Larger scaled works require progress checks to be conducted chronologically.

  • Revisions of client's end are permitted once before additional charges may apply.

Research and Development (R&D)

  • Search and verify new or provided reference materials to be safe/good to use before creating.

  • Draft and/or combining quantity of ideas during sketch.

  • Simple coloring added to check on color combinations

  • Lighting simulation to determine light and shadow sides of character and objects.

Checkpoint 1: Approval of idea sketch(es), color/value and lighting simulation (if any).


Phase 1: Base Construction

  • Sketch cleanup using line work or ambient occlusions depending on requirements.

  • Base coloring

  • Outlining light and shadow areas for later use

Checkpoint 2: Approval of art base.

Phase 2: Core Construction

  • Lighting effects (diffuse, reflections, ambient lights / core shadow)

  • Toning

  • Detailing of stickers, pattern, accessories

  • Specular light and glow effects

Checkpoint 3: Approval of detailed art.

Phase 3: Preparing for post-production

  • Fine detailing (and applying depths to background)

  • Tonal corrections (if needed)

  • In cases of PSD requirement, layer reorganization

Checkpoint 4: Approval of final artwork.


  • Outstanding balance (including additional charges) must be paid before final work is delivered

  • Files and documents are delivered through E-mail or Google Drive unless agreed otherwise.

Extra Information

  • Any files received by you are for personal use only unless stated otherwise (e.g. Commercial Uses for L2D animation, rigging etc.)

  • Any usage of all arts that breaches the original scope of usage including but not limited to blockchain, AI and Machine learning/training and other for-profit use are explicitly prohiobited

  • AI-generated may be used as reference material, however usage of AI-generated may not be heavily referenced and is limited to use of composition